What is Craniofacial Therapy?

Craniofacial therapy treats disorders, dysfunctions or anomalies in the orofacial region. Our face reflects our identity and is a determining factor in our social contacts. Any damage (accident, disability, illness, functional disorder, etc.) takes on proportions that go beyond the simple physical problem and affects the private, family and social sphere.

Domains concerned by Craniofacial therapy



Malpositioned jaw

Phonation disorders

Voice disorders

Down Syndrome

Mouth Breathing

Tongue Inflammation

Craniofacial Malformation

Neurological diseases

Swallowing disorders

Craniofacial Management

“You can’t treat someone who enjoys being sick” Basque proverb

Two main principles govern craniofacial management:


The Problem

Depending on the problem that needs to be treated, the therapist will be in contact with other professionals such as maxillofacial surgeons, doctors, ORLs, dentists, logopaedics, psychologists, educators, etc. to have a complete vision of the situation and to be effective.


The Patient

The patient is at the centre of the therapeutic process. Without their involvement and the one of their relatives, the therapist does not obtain any good results. The patient is the actor of their healing, and the therapist acts as a support that guides them.


The Cause

Cervical pain can be attributed, for example, to poor permanent head posture. But , it must be first clarified why it is misaligned: is it due to a visual defect or pelvic malformation, knee pain, or a congenital posture error? It is only when the cause has been found that the therapy can start.

Where is the primary cause of my problem situated? and How can I fix it ?

Once the diagnosis has been established, the therapist and the patient determine together the course of the therapy, its goals, its duration and its costs. They also evaluate the progress of the therapy together on a regular basis.

The therapists practicing craniofacial therapy as described on this site have all followed the course of the Master Cranio Facial Kinetic Science course at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Basel (Switzerland).

Craniofacial Therapy

Each person is different. Therefore, the therapy is not the same for a child who has speaking problems due to a malposition of the tongue in the mouth than for an adult who broke their jaw after a fall, for example. However, you will almost always find the following elements:

  • Listening – Discussion – Observation
  • Reflection – Development of set goals
  • Analysis – Posture – Stabillity – Documentation
  • Evaluation – Re-Evaluation
  • Muscular stimulation – Home exercises – Possible intervention of other therapists
Our body is made of a single piece – all the parts (muscles, organs, bones, nervous and blood systems, etc.) being connected to each other by fascias. That’s why patients shouldn’t be surprised that the therapist first observes the feet to treat neck pain. The stimuli and impulses given by the therapist and the exercises to be repeated have an impact on the whole body and have an impact on the posture and the bad habits. They allow the neuromuscular system to integrate new functional patterns.


CODONIS is a Swiss based company which develops and markets innovative and forward-looking medical products for logopedics, myofunctional therapy and dentistry.


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